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Documentation - Version 1.0

QTI Elements

QTI Element Support 1.0 (pdf) - (html version) This document describes which QTI elements are supported by XQuestion and any pertinent information regarding this support. It is best used as a reference, but it is short enough to read through if you're familiar with QTI.

QTI Outcomes Elements Support 1.0 (pdf) - (html version) This is an additional document which goes into detail about which QTI outcome elements are supported - these elements are mostly used for assessment scoring.

XQuestion Style

QTI Styles Reference 1.0 (pdf) - (html version) Styles are  what make XQuestion so powerful and flexible. Applying styles to elements allows exact placement of elements on screen as well as defining flow-style layouts to get the exact look that you want. This is a full list of the styles that are available for use within XQuestion.

Learn how to use the class and style model in XQuestion.

Additional Information

QTI Non Standard Element Support 1.0 (pdf) - (html version) some additional elements are also supported. These elements mean that you can use branching and keep variables in scope throught the assessment.

XQuestion has some limitations and some known issues.

XQuestion uses Central Question's Flaunt Technology
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