XQuestion – Style Support 1.0 © 2003/2004 Central Question Ltd.

XQuestion – Style support

Version 1.0

Copyright 2003/2004 Central Question Ltd. All rights reserved.

<pair name="language" value="en"/>

This style is equivalent to the xml:lang attribute present in assessment, section, item, presentaiton and material. It can be overridden by these elements and the values in these elements can be overridden using styles. QTI element values take precedence where the values are defined at the same level.

<pair name="flashstream" value="true"/>

Assessments can be streamed so that the first question is presented to the user when it is available. If this is set to 'false', the whole assessment must be loaded in before it will start. It is recommend that streaming is only used for low-stakes tests.

<pair name="flashcolorcontrol" value="true"/>

Include the facility to allow the user to change the text and background colors. This is an accessibility feature. It can be 'true' or 'false'. When set to 'true', CTRL plus 'Y' allows the user to change the background color. CTRL and 'U' allows the user to change the background color. CTRL and 'J' can be used to set the colors back to their default state.

<pair name="flashmagnifier" value="true"/>

Include the facility to allow the user to change the screen magnification. This is an accessibility feature. It can be 'true' or 'false'. When set to 'true', Shift plus '+' and Shift plus '-' can be used to zoom in and out. When zoomed in, Q,A,Z,X can be used to pan around the screen.

<pair name="flashmovierate" value="12"/>

Set the rate of the flash movie. The main flash movie will play at this rate. When other flash movies are embedded within the flash movie they will also play at this rate. Change this value if your embedded movies are playing too fast or too slow.

<pair name="flashmoviewidth" value="640"/>

The width, in pixels of the assessment canvas.

<pair name="flashmovieheight" value="480"/>

The height, in pixels of the assessment canvas.

<pair name="flashmoviebackgroundcolor" value="#FFFFFF"/>

This sets the background color of the flash movie. Be careful with this – often the movie can be displayed as if it has a transparent background and may assume the color of the web page that it is placed on. Check the HTML settings on the web page to get this correct.

<pair name="accessibilityinfo" value="true"/>

Include a small, invisible image on the first page that has screenreader text with extra info for screenreader users.

<pair name="accessibilityinfolanguage" value="en"/>

What language this information should be in. Only en, english and el, greek are available presently.

<pair name="accessibilitytitle" value="Sample Application"/>

This overrides the assessment element's title attribute. This is useful for setting the assessment's title when the same test.xml is used for many different languages.

<pair name="forceattempt" value="true"/>

Hide the next button on any question where it would otherwise be visible until such a time as the user has attempted the question.

<pair name="autoforward" value="false"/>

Simulate a 'next button' click when the user has attempted a question.

<pair name="assessmentrubricsvisibleinassessmentobjectives" value="true"/>

Display assessment objectives after assessment rubrics.

<pair name="sectionrubricsvisibleinsectionobjectives" value="true"/>

Display section objectives after section rubrics.

<pair name="itemrubricsvisibleinitemobjectives" value="true"/>

Display item objectives after item rubrics.

<pair name="assessmentrubricsvisibleinassessmentfeedback" value="true"/>

Keep assessment rubrics visible while displaying feedback.

<pair name="sectionrubricsvisibleinsectionfeedback" value="true"/>

Keep section rubrics visible while displaying feedback.

<pair name="itemrubricsvisibleinitemfeedback" value="true"/>

Keep item rubrics visible while displaying feedback.

<pair name="itemvisibleinitemfeedback" value="false"/>

Keep item onscreen with the feedback overlaid / following item. (Not yet supported. This should always be false until supported).

<pair name="itemfeedbackmutuallyexclusive" value="true"/>

Use the same area to display feedback? Set this to true if only one feedback will be shown at each time. Set to false if many feedbacks will be visible simultaneously.

<pair name="sectionfeedbackmutuallyexclusive" value="true"/>

Use the same area to display feedback? Set this to true if only one feedback will be shown at each time. Set to false if many feedbacks will be visible simultaneously.

<pair name="assessmentfeedbackmutuallyexclusive" value="true"/>

Use the same area to display feedback? Set this to true if only one feedback will be shown at each time. Set to false if many feedbacks will be visible simultaneously.

<pair name="solutionswitch" value="Yes"/>

This is equivalent to the assessmentcontrol, sectioncontrol and itemcontrol elements. These elements can override the values set here, the element's values always take precedence. Values here can be 'Yes' or 'No'. Notice the capitals – this is to match the use of capitals in the QTI specification for the attributes that are being matched.

<pair name="hintswitch" value="Yes"/>

This is equivalent to the assessmentcontrol, sectioncontrol and itemcontrol elements. These elements can override the values set here, the element's values always take precedence. Values here can be 'Yes' or 'No'. Notice the capitals – this is to match the use of capitals in the QTI specification for the attributes that are being matched.

<pair name="feedbackswitch" value="Yes"/>

This is equivalent to the assessmentcontrol, sectioncontrol and itemcontrol elements. These elements can override the values set here, the element's values always take precedence. Values here can be 'Yes' or 'No'. Notice the capitals – this is to match the use of capitals in the QTI specification for the attributes that are being matched.

Canvases and Offsets

(See the co-ordinate system document for an explanation of these, usually set these to “null” unless you wish to exactly place an element or group of elements. Most placements are relative – relative to where they would have appeared if no placement was applied. Use negative values at your own risk.)

<pair name="assessmentxoffset" value="20"/>

<pair name="assessmentyoffset" value="20"/>

<pair name="assessmentwidth" value="600"/>

<pair name="assessmentheight" value="440"/>

<pair name="itemcanvasxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemcanvasyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemcanvaswidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemcanvasheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentationxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentationyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentationwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentationheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentation_materialxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentation_materialyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentation_materialwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="presentation_materialheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemobjectivesxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemobjectivesyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemobjectiveswidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemobjectivesheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionobjectivesxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionobjectivesyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionobjectiveswidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionobjectivesheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentobjectivesxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentobjectivesyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentobjectiveswidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentobjectivesheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemrubricxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemrubricyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemrubricwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemrubricheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionrubricxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionrubricyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionrubricwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionrubricheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentrubricxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentrubricyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentrubricwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentrubricheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemfeedbackxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemfeedbackyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemfeedbackwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="itemfeedbackheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionfeedbackxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionfeedbackyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionfeedbackwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="sectionfeedbackheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentfeedbackxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentfeedbackyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentfeedbackwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="assessmentfeedbackheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="materialxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="materialyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="materialwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="materialheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="flowxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="flowyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="flowwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="flowheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_matxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_matyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_matwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_matheight" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_labelxoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_labelyoffset" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_labelwidth" value="null"/>

<pair name="flow_labelheight" value="null"/>

Flow and Text Styles

<pair name="flowaction" value="block"/>

How to lay out the elements in a flow, flow_mat or a flow_label. Values available are 'block','list','indent', 'horizontal' and 'horizontalsplit'.

<pair name="flowindentsize" value="20"/>

When flowaction is set to 'indent', this is the number of pixels by which to indent.

<pair name="horizontalsplitpixels" value="105,560"/>

When flowaction is set to 'horizontalsplit', this defines how many pixels to use for the first, second, third elements etc. the number of splits defined should match the number of elements which need to be laid out and each should be an integer separated by a comma.

<pair name="flowverticalalignment" value="top"/>

This can be "top", "middle" or "bottom" and applies to any of the flow elements, <flow>,<flow_mat> and <flow_label>. It attempts to vertically align the contents of the flow.

<pair name="matappletalignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="matapplicationalignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="mataudioalignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="matimagealignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="matvideoalignment" value="left"/>

Possible values, 'left', 'right', 'center'.

<pair name="matappletstyle" value="foreground"/>

<pair name="matapplicationstyle" value="foreground"/>

<pair name="mataudiostyle" value="foreground"/>

<pair name="matimagestyle" value="foreground"/>

<pair name="matvideostyle" value="foreground"/>

Where this is 'foreground', subsequent material will be rendered below the image. Where it is set to 'background', subsequent material will be laid over the top of the image.

<pair name="whitespace" value="collapse"/>

This is equivalent to the xml:space attribute present in mattext and matemtext.

<pair name="htmllinkscolor" value="#0000FF"/>

When a mattext or matemtext uses the texttype text/html, this color is used to identify the links present.

<pair name="htmllinksunderline" value="true"/>

When a mattext or matemtext uses the texttype text/html, this decides whether links should be underlined or not.

<pair name="linespacing" value="2"/>

Line spacing between the lines of the mattext. This should be set at the 'flow' level. It may also be valid at the 'material' level, depending on layout.

<pair name="textselectable" value="true"/>

Can the user select and copy the text. This should be set at the 'flow' level. It may also be valid at the 'material' level, depending on layout.

<pair name="textsize" value="16"/>

The point size used for the text.

<pair name="textcolor" value="#000000"/>

The color used for text.

<pair name="textfont" value="Optima"/>

The font used for text.

<pair name="textalignment" value="left"/>

The alignement of text. 'left', 'right' or 'center'.

<pair name="textbold" value="false"/>

Is the text bold.

<pair name="textitalic" value="false"/>

Is the text italic

<pair name="textunderline" value="false"/>

Is the mattext underlined

<pair name="texthref" value="null"/>

Is the text a hyperlink. Value should be fully qualified URL, eg “http://www.google.com/”

<pair name="texttarget" value="_blank"/>

Which window should the hyperlink open in. eg _blank, _self etc.

(Text values for mattext, matemtext and render_fib values can be specifed separately. Mattext, matemtext and renderfib values can override Text values, but not the other way round. Mattext, matemtext and renderfib values need to be set back to 'null' to stop using them once they have been defined.)

<pair name="mattextsize" value="24"/>

<pair name="mattextcolor" value="#000000"/>

<pair name="mattextfont" value="Optima"/>

<pair name="mattextalignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="mattextbold" value="false"/>

<pair name="mattextitalic" value="false"/>

<pair name="mattextunderline" value="false"/>

<pair name="mattexthref" value="null"/>

<pair name="mattexttarget" value="_blank"/>

<pair name="matemtextsize" value="24"/>

<pair name="matemtextcolor" value="#000000"/>

<pair name="matemtextfont" value="Optima"/>

<pair name="matemtextalignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="matemtextbold" value="false"/>

<pair name="matemtextitalic" value="false"/>

<pair name="matemtextunderline" value="false"/>

<pair name="matemtexthref" value="null"/>

<pair name="matemtexttarget" value="_blank"/>

Fill In The Blank

<pair name="renderfibtextsize" value="16"/>

<pair name="renderfibtextcolor" value="#0000FF"/>

<pair name="renderfibtextfont" value="Mystic"/>

<pair name="renderfibtextalignment" value="left"/>

<pair name="renderfibtextbold" value="false"/>

<pair name="renderfibtextitalic" value="false"/>

<pair name="renderfibtextunderline" value="false"/>

<pair name="renderfibtexthref" value="null"/>

<pair name="renderfibtexttarget" value="_blank"/>

<pair name="renderfibbackground" value="false"/>

<pair name="renderfibbackgroundcolor" value="#FF0000"/>

<pair name="renderfibborder" value="true"/>

<pair name="renderfibbordercolor" value="#CCCCCC"/>

<pair name="durationfilename" value="components/digitalclocktimer.swf"/>

A timer can be displayed on screen – any timer designed as a .swf can be used, but it needs to present a particular interface – see the Timer Interface Document.

<pair name="durationxoffset" value="555"/>

Location relative to either the assessment canvas, (assessment and section timers) or the item canvas (item timers).

<pair name="durationyoffset" value="10"/>

Location relative to either the assessment canvas, (assessment and section timers) or the item canvas (item timers).

<pair name="durationwidth" value="225"/>

Width of .swf in pixels.

<pair name="durationheight" value="48"/>

Height of .swf in pixels.

<pair name="durationtextsize" value="16"/>

<pair name="durationtextcolor" value="#000000"/>

<pair name="durationtextfont" value="Optima"/>

<pair name="durationtextalignment" value="right"/>

<pair name="durationtextbold" value="false"/>

<pair name="durationtextitalic" value="false"/>

<pair name="durationtextunderline" value="false"/>

<pair name="durationtextlinespacing" value="2"/>

<pair name="durationtextalpha" value="255"/>

<pair name="durationtextselectable" value="false"/>

<pair name="durationtexthref" value="null"/>

<pair name="durationtexttarget" value="_blank"/>

A text format will be supplied to the .swf through the interface. You can set the properties it uses here. Any font specified will be loaded in and be available for use by the timer.

General Navigation Buttons

<pair name="nextbuttonupstate" value="components/upstate.swf"/>

<pair name="nextbuttonupstateroll" value="components/overstate.swf"/>

<pair name="nextbuttondownstate" value="components/overstate.swf"/>

<pair name="nextbuttondownstateroll" value="components/overstate.swf"/>

<pair name="nextbuttonx0" value="500"/>

<pair name="nextbuttony0" value="430"/>

<pair name="nextbuttonwidth" value="124"/>

<pair name="nextbuttonheight" value="30"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontext" value="&lt;next/&gt;"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextsize" value="18"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextcolor" value="#000000"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextfont" value="Optima"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextalignment" value="center"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextbold" value="false"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextitalic" value="false"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextunderline" value="false"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextxoffset" value="0"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextyoffset" value="0"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextwidth" value="124"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontextheight" value="30"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontexthref" value="null"/>

<pair name="nextbuttontexttarget" value="_blank"/>

<pair name="backbuttonupstate" value="components/upstate.swf"/>

<pair name="backbuttonupstateroll" value="components/overstate.swf"/>

<pair name="backbuttondownstate" value="components/overstate.swf"/>

<pair name="backbuttondownstateroll" value="components/overstate.swf"/>

<pair name="backbuttonx0" value="360"/>

<pair name="backbuttony0" value="430"/>

<pair name="backbuttonwidth" value="124"/>

<pair name="backbuttonheight" value="30"/>

<pair name="backbuttontext" value="&lt;back/&gt;"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextsize" value="18"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextcolor" value="#000000"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextfont" value="Optima"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextalignment" value="center"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextbold" value="false"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextitalic" value="false"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextunderline" value="false"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextxoffset" value="0"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextyoffset" value="0"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextwidth" value="124"/>

<pair name="backbuttontextheight" value="30"/>

<pair name="backbuttontexthref" value="null"/>

<pair name="backbuttontexttarget" value="_blank"/>

Specific Navigation Buttons

<pair name="displayitemobjectivesnextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayitemobjectivesbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayitempresentationnextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayitempresentationbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayitemfeedbacknextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayitemfeedbackbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displaysectionobjectivesnextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displaysectionobjectivesbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displaysectionpresentation_materialnextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displaysectionpresentation_materialbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displaysectionfeedbacknextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displaysectionfeedbackbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayassessmentobjectivesnextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayassessmentobjectivesbackbutton" value="false"/>

<pair name="displayassessmentpresentation_materialnextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayassessmentpresentation_materialbackbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayassessmentfeedbacknextbutton" value="true"/>

<pair name="displayassessmentfeedbackbackbutton" value="true"/>

Answer Buttons

<pair name="renderchoicestyle" value="background"/>

Multiple choice questions can be rendered as simple or background. When specified as 'simple', either radio buttons or checkboxes are used, depending on whether it is a single or multiple response question. When 'background' is used, the button will appear as a background to the option. This setting can be specified for each response_label.

<pair name="renderchoiceradiobuttonwidth" value="69"/>

<pair name="renderchoiceradiobuttonheight" value="90"/>

<pair name="renderchoiceradiobuttonupstate" value="components/smallthumb.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoiceradiobuttonupstateroll" value="components/growthumb.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoiceradiobuttondownstate" value="components/bigthumb.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoiceradiobuttondownstateroll" value="components/bigthumb.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoicecheckboxbuttonwidth" value="39"/>

<pair name="renderchoicecheckboxbuttonheight" value="40"/>

<pair name="renderchoicecheckboxbuttonupstate" value="components/gamer_bad.gif"/>

<pair name="renderchoicecheckboxbuttonupstateroll" value="components/gamer_love.gif"/>

<pair name="renderchoicecheckboxbuttondownstate" value="components/gamer_love.gif"/>

<pair name="renderchoicecheckboxbuttondownstateroll" value="components/gamer_love.gif"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonstyle" value="exact"/>

This is the style of background button to use. It can be 'exact' or 'unchanged'. Exact will cause the button to stretch or compress to fit exactly the space taken up with material on the button. Unchanged will cause the button to appear with the width and height specified for the button.

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonwidth" value="245"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonheight" value="168"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonupstate" value="bigbuttonup.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonupstateroll" value="bigbuttonrollover.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttondownstate" value="bigbuttonrolldown.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttondownstateroll" value="bigbuttonrolldown.swf"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonxoffset" value="0"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonyoffset" value="0"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonoffsetwidth" value="80"/>

<pair name="renderchoicebackgroundbuttonoffsetheight" value="80"/>


<pair name="verticalscrollbarwidth" value="20"/>

<pair name="scrollbarupbuttonupstate" value="components/scrollbarubus.swf"/>

<pair name="scrollbarupbuttondownstate" value="components/scrollbarubds.swf"/>

<pair name="scrollbardownbuttonupstate" value="components/scrollbardbus.swf"/>

<pair name="scrollbardownbuttondownstate" value="components/scrollbardowndbds.swf"/>

<pair name="scrollbarsliderupstate" value="components/scrollbarsliderupstate.swf"/>

<pair name="scrollbarsliderdownstate" value="components/scrollbarsliderupstate.swf"/>

<pair name="scrollbarbackground" value="components/scrollbarbackground.swf"/>

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